If you are interested here is the Amazon link
So far I have no issues with it. That statement, however, is qualified by a story, [aren't they all...] which I am about to literally spell out for you below. For you to read... or not.
I had read reviews on Amazon, many good, about this board, not too many issues, easy install, etc. So when I put together my new PC it started with me knowing I wanted to go AMD, and sprang from there.
I had replaced a Gigabyte graphics card in my now old PC a while back with an MSI one, which lasted significantly longer and I felt had less issues. So I felt confident choosing MSI for the MB and GPU this time around.
Here is where I insert my disclaimer that I am not being compensated in any way, by anyone, with any affiliation to the production or resale of the product, with this review.
Should be obvious by my page views, but there it is; above this sentence. I will also say that I don't care either way. It is what it is.
So all the parts came in from Amazon just before the COVID-19 issues, and not a moment too soon.
Got it running after the worst time with this build. Really a lot of needless issues, some of them my fault, others just... I don't know. Anyway...
Long story short, and the reason for this post/review: After 20 min on the phone with someone from MSI, I had to RMA the board because we could not figure out why my external speakers would not work. At the time we both agreed that the ports were probably just bad. I had done all the things.
Do the speakers work? Yup.
Did you update the drivers? Yup.
Did you update the drivers from our site? Yup.
Did you turn it on and off again? Yeah, about 200 times...
Did you check the sound settings in windows? Also yes.
Did you make the speakers the default? Sure did.
Got the new board and had The. Exact. Same. Problem.
I was not happy. The opposite, in fact.
So I started messing around with the auto updater in MSI's Dragon Center to see if anything was missed and reinstalling updates, when i noticed a section under Support called Microsoft Apps
I tried to update both of these and was taken to the Microsoft Store where I was shown that both were already installed. So I opened the Realtek one and... voila! Had sound.
Apparently installing them is not enough, you have to run them to have the software be initialized for the line out sound to work. Who knew. Hopes this helps someone.
So can I just
And, also MSI, if you happen to come across this post, please put something in your documentation about this, or am I just a bit late to the party?
I still like the board. It looks cool. The Mystic Light software works as well as can be expected, I don't have many RGB items to really do something with, and it seems that you have to pay more to not have RGB so... cheaper for the win.
Still messing with the BIOS. Slowly trying my hand at OC. Some of the setting location choices are weird at best. Overall I like exploring and finding so there is that. And there is always Google for the times when I don't have time.